Lydia Zablotska, MD, PhD, MPA

Salvatore Pablo Lucia Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health
Head, Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology
Area of Concentration
Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
+1 415 563-4602

Dr. Zablotska, MD, PhD, MPA is a Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics in the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, where she serves as the Leader of the Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Area of Concentration. Dr. Zablotska is a physician and epidemiologist with extensive training and publications in radiation epidemiology, biostatistics, and risk modeling. Her research activities have focused primarily on the examination of risks of radiation exposures in various occupational and environmental settings. Dr. Zablotska’s work has clarified our understanding of the effects of occupational radiation exposures on health risks of nuclear power industry workers and workers of the uranium fuel production cycle in various occupational cohorts from the U.S. and Canada.

As a Principal Investigator of the NCI-funded Chernobyl studies she published a number of important publications with tri-national investigative team which showed that exposures to ingested and inhaled radioactive iodines during childhood lead to increased risks of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases similar to risks from external radiation. Study findings redefined the emergency protocols for populations working or living around nuclear power plants and opened a new area of inquiry by showing that exposures to radioiodines increase not only the risks of thyroid cancer, but also of benign thyroid tumors such as follicular adenomas. Recently, the research conducted by Dr. Zablotska’s research group showed that the cleanup workers of the Chernobyl nuclear accident are at increased risk of incident chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and reported possible links with somatic point mutations related to telomere length maintenance.

Dr. Zablotska serves as a Director of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Population Health education in the medical school curriculum at UCSF and has received multiple institutional and national teaching and mentoring awards. She is a founder of the Early Stage Radiation Investigators Workshop conducted in conjunction with biennial meetings of the Conference on Radiation and Health.

Dr. Zablotska's complete profile is available here.


Analysis of Tanner stage in children conceived after the diagnosis of infertility: the DESCRT study.

Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics

Liu JY, Hu R, Lustig RH, Huang D, Adeleye AJ, Rinaudo P, Cedars MI, Zablotska LB

Inverse dose protraction effects of high-LET radiation: evidence and significance.

Mutation research. Reviews in mutation research

Hamada N, Matsuya Y, Zablotska LB, Little MP

Inverse dose protraction effects of low-LET radiation: evidence and significance.

Mutation research. Reviews in mutation research

Hamada N, Matsuya Y, Zablotska LB, Little MP

Sex-specific lung cancer risk among radiation workers in the Million Person Study and among TB-fluoroscopy patients.

The Million Person Study of Low-Dose Radiation Health Effects

John D. Boice, Elizabeth D. Ellis, Ashley P. Golden, Lydia B. Zablotska, Michael T. Mumma, Sarah S. Cohen

Mortality follow-up of Fernald Feed Materials Production Center workers exposed to uranium from 1951 to 1985.

Occupational and environmental medicine

Milder CM, Bellamy MB, Howard SC, Ellis ED, Golden AP, Cohen SS, Mumma MT, French B, Zablotska LB, Boice JD


Fertility and Sterility

Derek Song, David Huang, Jennifer Qin, Amanda Adeleye, Paolo Rinaudo, Lydia Zablotska, Marcelle I. Cedars


Fertility and Sterility

David Huang, Derek Song, Jennifer Qin, Amanda Adeleye, Lydia Zablotska, Paolo Rinaudo, Marcelle I. Cedars

A Historical Survey of Key Epidemiological Studies of Ionizing Radiation Exposure.

Radiation research

Little MP, Bazyka D, Gonzalez AB, Brenner AV, Chumak VV, Cullings H, Daniels RD, French B, Grant E, Hamada N, Hauptmann M, Kendall GM, Laurier D, Lee C, Lee WJ, Linet MS, Mabuchi K, Morton LM, Muirhead CR, Preston DL, Rajaraman P, Richardson DB, Sakata R, Samet JM, Simon SL, Sugiyama H, Wakeford R, Zablotska LB

Prevalence of Thyroid Nodules in Residents of Ukraine Exposed as Children or Adolescents to Iodine-131 from the Chornobyl Accident.

Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association

Cahoon EK, Grimm E, Mabuchi K, Mai JZ, Zhang R, Drozdovitch V, Hatch M, Little MP, Peters KO, Bogdanova TI, Shelkovoy E, Shpak VM, Terekhova G, Zamotayeva G, Pasteur IP, Masiuk SV, Chepurny M, Zablotska LB, McConnell R, O'Kane P, Tronko MD, Brenner AV

Prevalence of Thyroid Nodules in Residents of Ukraine Exposed as Children or Adolescents to Iodine-131 from the Chornobyl Accident.


Elizabeth Khaykin Cahoon, Eric Grimm, Kiyohiko Mabuchi, Jim Zhiming, Rui Zhang, Vladimir Drozdovitch, Maureen Hatch, Mark P. Little, Kamau O. Peters, Tetiana I. Bogdanova, Evgeniy Shelkovoy, Viktor M. Shpak, Galyna Terekhova, Galyna Zamotayeva, Ihor P. Pasteur, Sergii V. Masiuk, Mykola Chepurny, Lydia B. Zablotska, Robert McConnell, Patrick O’Kane, Mykola D. Tronko, Alina V. Brenner

Effects of confounding and effect-modifying lifestyle, environmental and medical factors on risk of radiation-associated cardiovascular disease.

BMC public health

Little MP, Boerma M, Bernier MO, Azizova TV, Zablotska LB, Einstein AJ, Hamada N

Third mortality follow-up of the Mallinckrodt uranium processing workers, 1942-2019.

International journal of radiation biology

Milder CM, Howard SC, Ellis ED, Golden AP, Cohen SS, Mumma MT, Leggett RW, French B, Zablotska LB, Boice JD

Radiation Dose Does Not Affect the Predictive Value of Thyroid Biopsy for Diagnosing Papillary Thyroid Cancer in a Belarusian Cohort Exposed to Chernobyl Fallout.

Acta cytologica

McConnell RJ, Kamysh O, O'Kane PL, Greenebaum E, Rozhko AV, Yauseyenka VV, Minenko VF, Drozdovitch V, Yarets Y, Kukhta T, Mabuchi K, Little MP, Cahoon EK, Zablotska LB

Radiotherapy for non-cancer diseases: benefits and long-term risks.

International journal of radiation biology

Thariat J, Little MP, Zablotska LB, Samson P, O'Banion MK, Leuraud K, Bergom C, Girault G, Azimzadeh O, Bouffler S, Hamada N

Lifetime excess absolute risk for lung cancer due to exposure to radon: results of the pooled uranium miners cohort study PUMA.

Radiation and environmental biophysics

Kreuzer M, Sommer M, Deffner V, Bertke S, Demers PA, Kelly-Reif K, Laurier D, Rage E, Richardson DB, Samet JM, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Tomasek L, Wiggins C, Zablotska LB, Fenske N


Fertility and Sterility

Chantal Durgana, David Huang, Jennifer Qin, Rebecca Wong, Amanda Adeleye, Lydia Zablotska, Marcelle I. Cedars

A generalisation of the method of regression calibration.

Scientific reports

Little MP, Hamada N, Zablotska LB

A generalisation of the method of regression calibration.

Research square

Little MP, Hamada N, Zablotska LB

Radiation exposure and leukaemia risk among cohorts of persons exposed to low and moderate doses of external ionising radiation in childhood.

British journal of cancer

Little MP, Wakeford R, Zablotska LB, Borrego D, Griffin KT, Allodji RS, de Vathaire F, Lee C, Brenner AV, Miller JS, Campbell D, Pearce MS, Sadetzki S, Doody MM, Holmberg E, Lundell M, French B, Adams MJ, Berrington de González A, Linet MS

Radon and lung cancer in the pooled uranium miners analysis (PUMA): highly exposed early miners and all miners.

Occupational and environmental medicine

Kelly-Reif K, Bertke SJ, Rage E, Demers PA, Fenske N, Deffner V, Kreuzer M, Samet J, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Tomasek L, Zablotska LB, Wiggins C, Laurier D, Richardson DB

Study protocol for a Developmental Epidemiological Study of Children born through Reproductive Technologies (DESCRT).

Human reproduction open

Adeleye AJ, Zablotska L, Rinaudo P, Huang D, Lustig RH, Cedars MI

Comparison of Obstetric Outcomes Between Unassisted Pregnancies and Non-IVF Fertility Treatment Pregnancies in Infertile Patients [ID: 1365555].

Obstetrics and Gynecology

Jennifer Qin, Amanda Adeleye, Marcelle Cedars, David Huang, Paolo Rinaudo, Lydia Zablotska

Exposure to Ionizing Radiation and Risk of Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Radiation research

Srivastava T, Chirikova E, Birk S, Xiong F, Benzouak T, Liu JY, Villeneuve PJ, Zablotska LB

Ionising radiation and cardiovascular disease: systematic review and meta-analysis.

BMJ (Clinical research ed.)

Little MP, Azizova TV, Richardson DB, Tapio S, Bernier MO, Kreuzer M, Cucinotta FA, Bazyka D, Chumak V, Ivanov VK, Veiga LHS, Livinski A, Abalo K, Zablotska LB, Einstein AJ, Hamada N

Metabolomic Profile of Children Conceived With Medically Assisted Technologies.

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism

Tolani AT, Cedars MI, Zablotska LB, Rinaudo PF

Radiation and CNS effects: summary of evidence from a recent symposium of the Radiation Research Society.

International journal of radiation biology

Zablotska LB, Zupunski L, Leuraud K, Lopes J, Hinkle J, Pugeda T, Delgado T, Olschowka J, Williams J, O'Banion MK, Boice JD, Cohen SS, Mumma MT, Dauer LT, Britten RA, Stephenson S


Fertility and Sterility

David Huang, Jennifer Qin, Amanda Adeleye, Paolo Rinaudo, Lydia Zablotska, Marcelle I. Cedars

Lung cancer and radon: Pooled analysis of uranium miners hired in 1960 or later.

ISEE Conference Abstracts

David Richardson, Estelle Rage, Paul Demers, Minh Do, Nora Fenske, Veronika Deffner, Michaela Kreuzer, Jonathan Samet, Stephen Bertke, Kaitlin Kelly-Reif, Mary Schubauer-Berigan, Ladislav Tomasek, Lydia Zablotska, Charles Wiggins, Dominique Laurier

The epidemiology of lung cancer following radiation exposure.

International journal of radiation biology

Zablotska LB, Richardson DB, Golden A, Pasqual E, Smith B, Rage E, Demers PA, Do M, Fenske N, Deffner V, Kreuzer M, Samet J, Bertke S, Kelly-Reif K, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Tomasek L, Wiggins C, Laurier D, Apostoaei I, Thomas BA, Simon SL, Hoffman FO, Boice JD, Dauer LT, Howard SC, Cohen SS, Mumma MT, Ellis ED, Eckerman KF, Leggett RW, Pawel DJ

Lung Cancer and Radon: Pooled Analysis of Uranium Miners Hired in 1960 or Later.

Environmental health perspectives

Richardson DB, Rage E, Demers PA, Do MT, Fenske N, Deffner V, Kreuzer M, Samet J, Bertke SJ, Kelly-Reif K, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Tomasek L, Zablotska LB, Wiggins C, Laurier D

Association between exposure to radioactive iodine after the Chernobyl accident and thyroid volume in Belarus 10-15 years later.

Environmental health : a global access science source

Chirikova E, McConnell RJ, O'Kane P, Yauseyenka V, Little MP, Minenko V, Drozdovitch V, Veyalkin I, Hatch M, Chan JM, Huang CY, Mabuchi K, Cahoon EK, Rozhko A, Zablotska LB

O-296 Radon exposure and risk of death from circulatory system diseases among a large cohort of uranium miners – the PUMA study.

Occupational and environmental medicine

Estelle Rage - de Moissy, David B Richardson, Paul Demers, Minh Do, Nathan DeBono, Nora Fenske, Veronika Deffner, Michaela Kreuzer, Jonathan Samet, Stephen Bertke, Kaitlin Kelly-Reif, Mary Schubauer-Berigan, Ladislav Tomasek, Lydia Zablotska, Charles Wigg

591The “Big 6”: A purpose-based framework for motivating and teaching epidemiologic methods.

International journal of epidemiology

Vivian Avelino-silva, Lydia Zablotska, Jeffrey Martin

Lymphoma and multiple myeloma in cohorts of persons exposed to ionising radiation at a young age.


Little MP, Wakeford R, Zablotska LB, Borrego D, Griffin KT, Allodji RS, de Vathaire F, Lee C, Brenner AV, Miller JS, Campbell D, Sadetzki S, Doody MM, Holmberg E, Lundell M, Adams MJ, French B, Linet MS, de Gonzalez AB

Cohort profile: four early uranium processing facilities in the US and Canada.

International journal of radiation biology

Golden AP, Milder CM, Ellis ED, Anderson JL, Boice JD, Bertke SJ, Zablotska LB

Mortality among uranium miners in North America and Europe: the Pooled Uranium Miners Analysis (PUMA).

International journal of epidemiology

Richardson DB, Rage E, Demers PA, Do MT, DeBono N, Fenske N, Deffner V, Kreuzer M, Samet J, Wiggins C, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Kelly-Reif K, Tomasek L, Zablotska LB, Laurier D

Descriptive characteristics of occupational exposures and medical follow-up in the cohort of workers of the Siberian Group of Chemical Enterprises in Seversk, Russia.

International journal of radiation biology

Karpov AB, Takhauov RM, Zerenkov AG, Semenova YV, Bogdanov IM, Kazantceva SB, Blinov AP, Kalinkin DE, Gorina GV, Litvinova OV, Ermolaev YD, Mironova EB, Plaksin MB, Takhauov AR, Zablotska LB

Association Between 131I Exposure After the Chernobyl Accident and Thyroid Volume in Children in Belarus.

Journal of the Endocrine Society

Ekaterina Chirikova, Elizabeth K Cahoon, Alexander Rozhko, Vladimir Drozdovitch, Mark P Little, Robert J McConnell, Victor Minenko, Ilya Veyalkin, Vasilina Yauseyenka, Maureen Hatch, Patrick O’Kane, Lydia B Zablotska

Fluoroscopy X-Ray Organ-Specific Dosimetry System (FLUXOR) for Estimation of Organ Doses and Their Uncertainties in the Canadian Fluoroscopy Cohort Study.

Radiation research

Apostoaei AI, Thomas BA, Hoffman FO, Kocher DC, Thiessen KM, Borrego D, Lee C, Simon SL, Zablotska LB

Organ Doses from Chest Radiographs in Tuberculosis Patients in Canada and Their Uncertainties in Periods from 1930 to 1969.

Health physics

Kocher DC, Apostoaei AI, Thomas BA, Borrego D, Lee C, Zablotska LB

Projecting thyroid cancer risk to the general public from radiation exposure following hypothetical severe nuclear accidents in Canada.

Journal of radiological protection : official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection

Burtt JJ, Rickard M, McAllister A, Bergman L, Zablotska LB

Occupational exposure to ionizing radiation and risk of lymphoma subtypes: results of the Epilymph European case-control study.

Environmental health : a global access science source

Satta G, Loi M, Becker N, Benavente Y, De Sanjose S, Foretova L, Staines A, Maynadie M, Nieters A, Meloni F, Pilia I, Campagna M, Pau M, Zablotska LB, Cocco P

A systematic review and meta-analysis examining the effects of cannabis and its derivatives in adults with malignant CNS tumors.

Neuro-oncology practice

Rodriguez-Almaraz JE, Chang S, Clarke J, Oberheim-Bush NA, Taylor J, Buerki R, Berger M, Zablotska L, Lobach I, Butowski N

Genetic effect estimates in case-control studies when a continuous variable is omitted from the model.

Genetic epidemiology

Ying Sheng, Chiung-Yu Huang, Siarhei Lobach, Lydia Zablotska, Iryna Lobach

PUMA - pooled uranium miners analysis: cohort profile.

Occupational and environmental medicine

Rage E, Richardson DB, Demers PA, Do M, Fenske N, Kreuzer M, Samet J, Wiggins C, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Kelly-Reif K, Tomasek L, Zablotska LB, Laurier D

Radio-biologically motivated modeling of radiation risks of mortality from ischemic heart diseases in the Canadian fluoroscopy cohort study.

Radiation and environmental biophysics

Schöllnberger H, Kaiser JC, Eidemüller M, Zablotska LB

Mortality among workers in the Pooled Uranium Miners Analysis (PUMA).

Environmental Epidemiology

Richardson D, Rage E, Demers P, Do M, Fenske N, Kreuzer M, Samet J, Wiggins C, Schubauer-Berigan M, Kelly-Reif K, Tomášek L, Zablotska L, Laurier D

Organ-specific dose coefficients derived from Monte Carlo simulations for historical (1930s to 1960s) fluoroscopic and radiographic examinations of tuberculosis patients.

Journal of radiological protection : official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection

Borrego D, Apostoaei AI, Thomas BA, Hoffman FO, Simon SL, Zablotska LB, Lee C

Next-Generation Sequencing of Uveal Melanoma for Detection of Genetic Alterations Predicting Metastasis.

Translational vision science & technology

Afshar AR, Damato BE, Stewart JM, Zablotska LB, Roy R, Olshen AB, Joseph NM, Bastian BC

Methods to account for uncertainties in exposure assessment in studies of environmental exposures.

Environmental health : a global access science source

Wu Y, Hoffman FO, Apostoaei AI, Kwon D, Thomas BA, Glass R, Zablotska LB

Frailty trajectories in adult lung transplantation: A cohort study.

The Journal of heart and lung transplantation : the official publication of the International Society for Heart Transplantation

Venado A, McCulloch C, Greenland JR, Katz P, Soong A, Shrestha P, Hays S, Golden J, Shah R, Leard LE, Kleinhenz ME, Kukreja J, Zablotska L, Allen IE, Covinsky K, Blanc P, Singer JP

Low radon exposures and lung cancer risk: joint analysis of the Czech, French, and Beaverlodge cohorts of uranium miners.

International archives of occupational and environmental health

Lane RSD, Tomášek L, Zablotska LB, Rage E, Momoli F, Little J

Sex-Specific Lung Cancer Risk among Radiation Workers in the Million Person Study and TB-Fluoroscopy Patients.

International journal of radiation biology

Boice JD, Ellis ED, Golden AP, Zablotska LB, Mumma MT, Cohen SS

Descriptive characteristics of the cohort of workers from the Siberian Group of Chemical Enterprises (SGCE).

BIO Web of Conferences

Andrey Karpov, Ravil Takhauov, Andrey Zerenkov, Yuriy Dolgopolov, Konstantin Izmestev, Aleksey Blinov, Lydia Zablotska

Increased mean arterial pressure in children conceived from IVF compared to other methods of assisted reproduction.

Fertility and Sterility

A. Adeleye, M. Lara, L. Zablotska, P. Rinaudo, R. Lustig, M. Cedars

Development of Quantitative Research Skills Competencies to Improve Doctor of Philosophy Nursing Student Training.

The Journal of nursing education

Thompson LM, Zablotska LB, Chen JL, Jong S, Alkon A, Lee SJ, Vlahov D

Leukaemia and myeloid malignancy among people exposed to low doses (<100 mSv) of ionising radiation during childhood: a pooled analysis of nine historical cohort studies.

The Lancet. Haematology

Little MP, Wakeford R, Borrego D, French B, Zablotska LB, Adams MJ, Allodji R, de Vathaire F, Lee C, Brenner AV, Miller JS, Campbell D, Pearce MS, Doody MM, Holmberg E, Lundell M, Sadetzki S, Linet MS, Berrington de González A

Genomic characterization of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in radiation-exposed Chornobyl cleanup workers.

Environmental health : a global access science source

Ojha J, Dyagil I, Finch SC, Reiss RF, de Smith AJ, Gonseth S, Zhou M, Hansen HM, Sherborne AL, Nakamura J, Bracci PM, Gudzenko N, Hatch M, Babkina N, Little MP, Chumak VV, Walsh KM, Bazyka D, Wiemels JL, Zablotska LB

Circulatory disease in French nuclear fuel cycle workers chronically exposed to uranium: a nested case-control study.

Occupational and environmental medicine

Zhivin S, Guseva Canu I, Davesne E, Blanchardon E, Garsi JP, Samson E, Niogret C, Zablotska LB, Laurier D

Analysis of mortality in a pooled cohort of Canadian and German uranium processing workers with no mining experience.

International archives of occupational and environmental health

Zablotska LB, Fenske N, Schnelzer M, Zhivin S, Laurier D, Kreuzer M

Risk of Thyroid Nodules in Residents of Belarus Exposed to Chernobyl Fallout as Children and Adolescents.

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism

Cahoon EK, Nadyrov EA, Polyanskaya ON, Yauseyenka VV, Veyalkin IV, Yeudachkova TI, Maskvicheva TI, Minenko VF, Liu W, Drozdovitch V, Mabuchi K, Little MP, Zablotska LB, McConnell RJ, Hatch M, Peters KO, Rozhko AV, Brenner AV

Buccal mucosa micronuclei counts in relation to exposure to low dose-rate radiation from the Chornobyl nuclear accident and other medical and occupational radiation exposures.

Environmental health : a global access science source

Bazyka D, Finch SC, Ilienko IM, Lyaskivska O, Dyagil I, Trotsiuk N, Gudzenko N, Chumak VV, Walsh KM, Wiemels J, Little MP, Zablotska LB

Factors associated with serum thyroglobulin in a Ukrainian cohort exposed to iodine-131 from the accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Plant.

Environmental research

Peters KO, Tronko M, Hatch M, Oliynyk V, Terekhova G, Pfeiffer RM, Shpak VM, McConnell RJ, Drozdovitch V, Little MP, Zablotska LB, Mabuchi K, Brenner AV, Cahoon EK

30 years After the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident: Time for Reflection and Re-evaluation of Current Disaster Preparedness Plans.

Journal of urban health : bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine

Zablotska LB

Non-thyroid cancer incidence in Belarusian residents exposed to Chernobyl fallout in childhood and adolescence: Standardized Incidence Ratio analysis, 1997-2011.

Environmental research

Ostroumova E, Hatch M, Brenner A, Nadyrov E, Veyalkin I, Polyanskaya O, Yauseyenka V, Polyakov S, Levin L, Zablotska L, Rozhko A, Mabuchi K

Clinical characteristics of chronic lymphocytic leukemia occurring in chornobyl cleanup workers.

Hematological oncology

Finch SC, Dyagil I, Reiss RF, Gudzenko N, Babkina N, Lyubarets T, Bebeshko V, Romanenko A, Chumak VV, Bouville A, Hatch M, Little MP, Bazyka D, Zablotska LB

Mortality (1968-2008) in a French cohort of uranium enrichment workers potentially exposed to rapidly soluble uranium compounds.

Occupational and environmental medicine

Zhivin S, Guseva Canu I, Samson E, Laurent O, Grellier J, Collomb P, Zablotska LB, Laurier D

Histopathological features of papillary thyroid carcinomas detected during four screening examinations of a Ukrainian-American cohort.

British journal of cancer

Bogdanova TI, Zurnadzhy LY, Nikiforov YE, Leeman-Neill RJ, Tronko MD, Chanock S, Mabuchi K, Likhtarov IA, Kovgan LM, Drozdovitch V, Little MP, Hatch M, Zablotska LB, Shpak VM, McConnell RJ, Brenner AV

Impact of Uncertainties in Exposure Assessment on Thyroid Cancer Risk among Persons in Belarus Exposed as Children or Adolescents Due to the Chernobyl Accident.

PloS one

Little MP, Kwon D, Zablotska LB, Brenner AV, Cahoon EK, Rozhko AV, Polyanskaya ON, Minenko VF, Golovanov I, Bouville A, Drozdovitch V

Risk of thyroid follicular adenoma among children and adolescents in Belarus exposed to iodine-131 after the Chornobyl accident.

American journal of epidemiology

Zablotska LB, Nadyrov EA, Polyanskaya ON, McConnell RJ, O'Kane P, Lubin J, Hatch M, Little MP, Brenner AV, Veyalkin IV, Yauseyenka VV, Bouville A, Drozdovitch VV, Minenko VF, Demidchik YE, Mabuchi K, Rozhko AV

Dosimetry Support of the Ukrainian-American Case-control Study of Leukemia and Related Disorders Among Chornobyl Cleanup Workers.

Health physics

Chumak V, Drozdovitch V, Kryuchkov V, Bakhanova E, Babkina N, Bazyka D, Gudzenko N, Hatch M, Trotsuk N, Zablotska L, Golovanov I, Luckyanov N, Voillequé P, Bouville A

Circulatory disease mortality in the Massachusetts tuberculosis fluoroscopy cohort study.

European journal of epidemiology

Little MP, Zablotska LB, Brenner AV, Lipshultz SE

Non-radiation risk factors for leukemia: A case-control study among chornobyl cleanup workers in Ukraine.

Environmental research

Gudzenko N, Hatch M, Bazyka D, Dyagil I, Reiss RF, Brenner A, Chumak V, Babkina N, Zablotska LB, Mabuchi K

Analysis of thyroid malignant pathologic findings identified during 3 rounds of screening (1997-2008) of a cohort of children and adolescents from belarus exposed to radioiodines after the Chernobyl accident.


Zablotska LB, Nadyrov EA, Rozhko AV, Gong Z, Polyanskaya ON, McConnell RJ, O'Kane P, Brenner AV, Little MP, Ostroumova E, Bouville A, Drozdovitch V, Minenko V, Demidchik Y, Nerovnya A, Yauseyenka V, Savasteeva I, Nikonovich S, Mabuchi K, Hatch M

Using the coronary artery calcium score to guide statin therapy: a cost-effectiveness analysis.

Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes

Pletcher MJ, Pignone M, Earnshaw S, McDade C, Phillips KA, Auer R, Zablotska L, Greenland P

Iodine-131 and thyroid function: Ostroumova et al. respond.

Environmental health perspectives

Ostroumova E, Rozhko A, Hatch M, Furukawa K, Polyanskaya O, McConnell RJ, Nadyrov E, Petrenko S, Romanov G, Yauseyenka V, Drozdovitch V, Minenko V, Prokopovich A, Savasteeva I, Zablotska LB, Mabuchi K, Brenner AV

Impact of uncertainties in exposure assessment on estimates of thyroid cancer risk among Ukrainian children and adolescents exposed from the Chernobyl accident.

PloS one

Little MP, Kukush AG, Masiuk SV, Shklyar S, Carroll RJ, Lubin JH, Kwon D, Brenner AV, Tronko MD, Mabuchi K, Bogdanova TI, Hatch M, Zablotska LB, Tereshchenko VP, Ostroumova E, Bouville AC, Drozdovitch V, Chepurny MI, Kovgan LN, Simon SL, Shpak VM, Likhtarev IA

Ischemic heart disease after breast cancer radiotherapy.

The New England journal of medicine

Little MP, Zablotska LB, Lipshultz SE

Measures of thyroid function among Belarusian children and adolescents exposed to iodine-131 from the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant.

Environmental health perspectives

Ostroumova E, Rozhko A, Hatch M, Furukawa K, Polyanskaya O, McConnell RJ, Nadyrov E, Petrenko S, Romanov G, Yauseyenka V, Drozdovitch V, Minenko V, Prokopovich A, Savasteeva I, Zablotska LB, Mabuchi K, Brenner AV

Comment on "dose-responses from multi-model inference for the non-cancer disease mortality of atomic bomb survivors" (Radiat. Environ. Biophys (2012) 51:165-178) by Schöllnberger et al.

Radiation and environmental biophysics

Little MP, Azizova TV, Bazyka D, Bouffler SD, Cardis E, Chekin S, Chumak VV, Cucinotta FA, de Vathaire F, Hall P, Harrison JD, Hildebrandt G, Ivanov V, Kashcheev VV, Klymenko SV, Laurent O, Ozasa K, Tapio S, Taylor AM, Tzoulaki I, Vandoolaeghe WL, Wakeford R, Zablotska L, Zhang W, Lipshultz SE

Estimating Risk of Circulatory Disease: Little et al. Respond.

Environmental health perspectives

Mark P. Little, Dimitry Bazyka, Simon D. Bouffler, John D. Harrison, Elisabeth Cardis, Francis A. Cucinotta, Michaela Kreuzer, Olivier Laurent, Soile Tapio, Richard Wakeford, Lydia Zablotska, Steven E. Lipshultz

Radiation and the risk of chronic lymphocytic and other leukemias among chornobyl cleanup workers.

Environmental health perspectives

Zablotska LB, Bazyka D, Lubin JH, Gudzenko N, Little MP, Hatch M, Finch S, Dyagil I, Reiss RF, Chumak VV, Bouville A, Drozdovitch V, Kryuchkov VP, Golovanov I, Bakhanova E, Babkina N, Lubarets T, Bebeshko V, Romanenko A, Mabuchi K

Systematic review and meta-analysis of circulatory disease from exposure to low-level ionizing radiation and estimates of potential population mortality risks.

Environmental health perspectives

Little MP, Azizova TV, Bazyka D, Bouffler SD, Cardis E, Chekin S, Chumak VV, Cucinotta FA, de Vathaire F, Hall P, Harrison JD, Hildebrandt G, Ivanov V, Kashcheev VV, Klymenko SV, Kreuzer M, Laurent O, Ozasa K, Schneider T, Tapio S, Taylor AM, Tzoulaki I, Vandoolaeghe WL, Wakeford R, Zablotska LB, Zhang W, Lipshultz SE

Thyroid cancer in Ukraine after the Chernobyl accident (in the framework of the Ukraine-US Thyroid Project).

Journal of radiological protection : official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection

Tronko M, Mabuchi K, Bogdanova T, Hatch M, Likhtarev I, Bouville A, Oliynik V, McConnell R, Shpak V, Zablotska L, Tereshchenko V, Brenner A, Zamotayeva G

Urinary Iodine and Goiter Prevalence in Belarus: experience of the Belarus-American cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases following the Chornobyl nuclear accident.

Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association

Hatch M, Polyanskaya O, McConnell R, Gong Z, Drozdovitch V, Rozhko A, Prokopovich A, Petrenko S, Brenner A, Zablotska L

I-131 dose response for incident thyroid cancers in Ukraine related to the Chornobyl accident.

Environmental health perspectives

Brenner AV, Tronko MD, Hatch M, Bogdanova TI, Oliynik VA, Lubin JH, Zablotska LB, Tereschenko VP, McConnell RJ, Zamotaeva GA, O'Kane P, Bouville AC, Chaykovskaya LV, Greenebaum E, Paster IP, Shpak VM, Ron E

Thyroid cancer risk in Belarus among children and adolescents exposed to radioiodine after the Chornobyl accident.

British journal of cancer

Zablotska LB, Ron E, Rozhko AV, Hatch M, Polyanskaya ON, Brenner AV, Lubin J, Romanov GN, McConnell RJ, O'Kane P, Evseenko VV, Drozdovitch VV, Luckyanov N, Minenko VF, Bouville A, Masyakin VB

Prevalence of Hyperthyroidism after Exposure during Childhood or Adolescence to Radioiodines from the Chornobyl Nuclear Accident: Dose&#x2013;Response Results from the Ukrainian-American Cohort Study.

Radiation research

Hatch M, Furukawa K, Brenner A, Olinjyk V, Ron E, Zablotska L, Terekhova G, McConnell R, Markov V, Shpak V, Ostroumova E, Bouville A, Tronko M

Prevalence of hyperthyroidism after exposure during childhood or adolescence to radioiodines from the chornobyl nuclear accident: dose-response results from the Ukrainian-American Cohort Study.

Radiation research

Hatch M, Furukawa K, Brenner A, Olinjyk V, Ron E, Zablotska L, Terekhova G, McConnell R, Markov V, Shpak V, Ostroumova E, Bouville A, Tronko M

Frequency of undetected thyroid nodules in a large I-131-exposed population repeatedly screened by ultrasonography: results from the Ukrainian-American cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases following the Chornobyl accident.

Thyroid : official journal of the American Thyroid Association

O'Kane P, Shelkovoy E, McConnell RJ, Shpak V, Parker L, Brenner A, Zablotska L, Tronko M, Hatch M

Urinary Iodine and Goiter Prevalence in Belarus: Experience of the Belarus-American Cohort Study of Thyroid Cancer and Other Thyroid Diseases Following the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident.

Annals of Epidemiology

M. Hatch, O. Polyanskaya, R. McConnell, Z. Gong, V. Drozdovitch, A. Rozhko, A. Prokopovich, S. Petrenko, A. Brenner, L. Zablotska

A screening study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases among individuals exposed in utero to iodine-131 from Chernobyl fallout.

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism

Hatch M, Brenner A, Bogdanova T, Derevyanko A, Kuptsova N, Likhtarev I, Bouville A, Tereshchenko V, Kovgan L, Shpak V, Ostroumova E, Greenebaum E, Zablotska L, Ron E, Tronko M

Subclinical hypothyroidism after radioiodine exposure: Ukrainian-American cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases after the Chornobyl accident (1998-2000).

Environmental health perspectives

Ostroumova E, Brenner A, Oliynyk V, McConnell R, Robbins J, Terekhova G, Zablotska L, Likhtarev I, Bouville A, Shpak V, Markov V, Masnyk I, Ron E, Tronko M, Hatch M

Differences in sonographic conspicuity according to papillary thyroid cancer subtype: results of the Ukrainian-American cohort study after the Chornobyl accident.

AJR. American journal of roentgenology

O'Kane P, Shelkovoy E, McConnell RJ, Shpak V, Parker L, Bogdanova TI, Brenner A, Naida Y, Frangos A, Zablotska L, Robbins J, Greenebaum E, Zurnadzhy LY, Tronko M, Hatch M

The Ukrainian-American study of leukemia and related disorders among Chornobyl cleanup workers from Ukraine: I. Study methods.

Radiation research

Romanenko A, Bebeshko V, Hatch M, Bazyka D, Finch S, Dyagil I, Reiss R, Chumak V, Bouville A, Gudzenko N, Zablotska L, Pilinskaya M, Lyubarets T, Bakhanova E, Babkina N, Trotsiuk N, Ledoschuk B, Belayev Y, Dybsky SS, Ron E, Howe G

The Ukrainian-American study of leukemia and related disorders among Chornobyl cleanup workers from Ukraine: II. Estimation of bone marrow doses.

Radiation research

Chumak VV, Romanenko AY, Voillequé PG, Bakhanova EV, Gudzenko N, Hatch M, Zablotska LB, Golovanov IA, Luckyanov NK, Sholom SV, Kryuchkov VP, Bouville A

The Ukrainian-American study of leukemia and related disorders among Chornobyl cleanup workers from Ukraine: III. Radiation risks.

Radiation research

Romanenko AY, Finch SC, Hatch M, Lubin JH, Bebeshko VG, Bazyka DA, Gudzenko N, Dyagil IS, Reiss RF, Bouville A, Chumak VV, Trotsiuk NK, Babkina NG, Belyayev Y, Masnyk I, Ron E, Howe GR, Zablotska LB

Protective effects of B vitamins and antioxidants on the risk of arsenic-related skin lesions in Bangladesh.

Environmental health perspectives

Zablotska LB, Chen Y, Graziano JH, Parvez F, van Geen A, Howe GR, Ahsan H

The risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with previous malignancy.

Cancer investigation

Siegel AB, McBride RB, El-Serag HB, Hershman D, Brown RS, Zablotska L, Neugut AI

Results of the US-Ukrainian Study of Leukemia and Related Disorders Among Chernobyl Cleanup Workers.


A. Romanenko, M. Hatch, L. Zablotska, V. Bebeshko, D. Bazyka, S. Finch, N. Gudzenko, I. Dyagil, R. Reiss, A. Bouville, V. Chumak, I. Masnyk, O. Bakhanova

Factors associated with elevated serum concentrations of anti-TPO antibodies in subjects with and without diffuse goitre. Results from the Ukrainian-American Cohort Study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases following the Chornobyl accident.

Clinical endocrinology

McConnell RJ, Brenner AV, Oliynyk VA, Robbins J, Terekhova GM, Fink DJ, Epshtein OV, Hatch M, Shpak VM, Brill AB, Shelkovoy YA, Zablotska LB, Masnyk IJ, Howe GR, Tronko MD

A cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases after the Chornobyl accident: dose-response analysis of thyroid follicular adenomas detected during first screening in Ukraine (1998-2000).

American journal of epidemiology

Zablotska LB, Bogdanova TI, Ron E, Epstein OV, Robbins J, Likhtarev IA, Hatch M, Markov VV, Bouville AC, Olijnyk VA, McConnell RJ, Shpak VM, Brenner A, Terekhova GN, Greenebaum E, Tereshchenko VP, Fink DJ, Brill AB, Zamotayeva GA, Masnyk IJ, Howe GR, Tronko MD

Polymorphisms in nucleotide excision repair genes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adducts, and breast cancer risk.

Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology

Crew KD, Gammon MD, Terry MB, Zhang FF, Zablotska LB, Agrawal M, Shen J, Long CM, Eng SM, Sagiv SK, Teitelbaum SL, Neugut AI, Santella RM

The risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with previous malignancy.

Journal of Clinical Oncology

A. B. Siegel, R. B. McBride, H. El-Serag, D. Hershman, L. Zablotska, R. Brown, A. I. Neugut

Alcohol metabolism, alcohol intake, and breast cancer risk: a sister-set analysis using the Breast Cancer Family Registry.

Breast cancer research and treatment

Terry MB, Knight JA, Zablotska L, Wang Q, John EM, Andrulis IL, Senie RT, Daly M, Ozcelik H, Briollais L, Santella RM

Second Malignancies After Radiation Treatment and Chemotherapy for Primary Cancers.

Cancer Survivorship

Lydia B. Zablotska, Matthew J. Matasar, Alfred I. Neugut

A cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases after the Chornobyl accident: pathology analysis of thyroid cancer cases in Ukraine detected during the first screening (1998-2000).


Bogdanova TI, Zurnadzhy LY, Greenebaum E, McConnell RJ, Robbins J, Epstein OV, Olijnyk VA, Hatch M, Zablotska LB, Tronko MD

Autoimmune thyroiditis and exposure to iodine 131 in the Ukrainian cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases after the Chornobyl accident: results from the first screening cycle (1998-2000).

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism

Tronko MD, Brenner AV, Olijnyk VA, Robbins J, Epstein OV, McConnell RJ, Bogdanova TI, Fink DJ, Likhtarev IA, Lubin JH, Markov VV, Bouville AC, Terekhova GM, Zablotska LB, Shpak VM, Brill AB, Tereshchenko VP, Masnyk IJ, Ron E, Hatch M, Howe GR

Post-Chernobyl thyroid cancers in Ukraine. Report 2: risk analysis.

Radiation research

Likhtarov I, Kovgan L, Vavilov S, Chepurny M, Ron E, Lubin J, Bouville A, Tronko N, Bogdanova T, Gulak L, Zablotska L, Howe G

A cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases after the chornobyl accident: thyroid cancer in Ukraine detected during first screening.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Tronko MD, Howe GR, Bogdanova TI, Bouville AC, Epstein OV, Brill AB, Likhtarev IA, Fink DJ, Markov VV, Greenebaum E, Olijnyk VA, Masnyk IJ, Shpak VM, McConnell RJ, Tereshchenko VP, Robbins J, Zvinchuk OV, Zablotska LB, Hatch M, Luckyanov NK, Ron E, Thomas TL, Voillequé PG, Beebe GW

Association of esophageal adenocarcinoma with other subsequent primary cancers.

Journal of clinical gastroenterology

Das A, Thomas S, Zablotska LB, Neugut AI, Chak A

Arsenic exposure from drinking water and risk of premalignant skin lesions in Bangladesh: baseline results from the Health Effects of Arsenic Longitudinal Study.

American journal of epidemiology

Ahsan H, Chen Y, Parvez F, Zablotska L, Argos M, Hussain I, Momotaj H, Levy D, Cheng Z, Slavkovich V, van Geen A, Howe GR, Graziano JH

Second Malignancies After Radiation Treatment and Chemotherapy for Primary Cancers.


Lydia B. Zablotska, Matthew J. Matasar, Alfred I. Neugut

323: Saskatchewan Uranium Miners’ Cohort (SUMC) Study. 1).

American journal of epidemiology

R Lane, S Frost, P Ashmore, G Howe, L Zablotska, D Chambers, R Stager, J McLaughlin, L Smith

Associations Between Primary Esophageal Adenocarcinoma (EAC) and Other Cancers.

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Sapna V. Thomas, Amitabh Chak, Lydia B. Zablotska, Alfred I. Neugut, Ananya Das

Increased risk of squamous cell esophageal cancer after adjuvant radiation therapy for primary breast cancer.

American journal of epidemiology

Zablotska LB, Chak A, Das A, Neugut AI

The Chernobyl disaster: cancer following the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Epidemiologic reviews

Hatch M, Ron E, Bouville A, Zablotska L, Howe G

A cohort study of thyroid cancer and other thyroid diseases after the Chornobyl accident: objectives, design and methods.

Radiation research

Stezhko VA, Buglova EE, Danilova LI, Drozd VM, Krysenko NA, Lesnikova NR, Minenko VF, Ostapenko VA, Petrenko SV, Polyanskaya ON, Rzheutski VA, Tronko MD, Bobylyova OO, Bogdanova TI, Ephstein OV, Kairo IA, Kostin OV, Likhtarev IA, Markov VV, Oliynik VA, Shpak VM, Tereshchenko VP, Zamotayeva GA, Beebe GW, Bouville AC, Brill AB, Burch JD, Fink DJ, Greenebaum E, Howe GR, Luckyanov NK, Masnyk IJ, McConnell RJ, Robbins J, Thomas TL, Voillequé PG, Zablotska LB

Therapy-induced thoracic malignancies.

Clinics in chest medicine

Zablotska LB, Angevine AH, Neugut AI

Adjuvant radiotherapy for DCIS.

Lancet (London, England)

Brenner DJ, Schiff PB, Zablotska LB